Card | Yellow MBTI | ISTJ
Practical, Orderly, Loyal
🗓🕵️♀️ considered the most common personality type among men
Percentage of Population | 12.6%
Tip: Keep things organized and efficient, or they might come at you with a label maker.
Card | Teal MBTI | ISFJ
Caring, Supportive, Dependable
🍪🔒 considered the most common personality type among women
Percentage of Population | 13.8%
Tip: Remember to show your appreciation for their thoughtful gestures, or they might bury you in baked goods.
Card | Purple MBTI | INFJ
Insightful, Creative, Intuitive
💭🌟 most often associated with the highest levels of career satisfaction
Percentage of Population | 2.1%
Tip: Be genuine and empathetic, or they'll see right through you like a psychic X-ray.
Card | Teal MBTI | INTJ
Analytical, Logical, Independent
🧐💡 most likely to choose science, engineering, or business-related careers
Percentage of Population | 2.1%
Tip: Respect their need for alone time, or they'll retreat into their fortress of solitude and leave you wondering what went wrong.
Card | Purple MBTI | ISTP
Logical, Adventurous, Flexible
🛠️💥 most physically active personality type
Percentage of Population | 5.3%
Tip: Join them in hands-on activities, or they'll consider you a couch potato.
Card | Blue MBTI | ISFP
Compassionate, Sensitive, Open-minded
🎨🤌 most likely to have a unique artistic style
Percentage of Population | 8.8%
Tip: Show them your artistic side and appreciate their creativity, or they might throw shade at your lack of aesthetic.
Card | Yellow MBTI | INFP
Creative, Intuitive, Empathetic
💭🎨 most likely to have a strong sense of morality
Percentage of Population | 4.3%
Tip: Respect their values and ideals, or they'll write you out of their next novel. Also, be genuine since they'll see through your facade.
Card | Blue MBTI | INTP
Rational, Inquisitive, Innovative
🤔💻 considered the most independent of all personality types
Percentage of Population | 3.3%
Tip: Welcome their unconventional ideas and show curiosity in intellectual discussions, or they'll consider you as interesting as a tax form.
Card | Teal MBTI | ESFP
Outgoing, Assertive, Resourceful
🎉🔥 most likely to choose entrepreneurial careers
Percentage of Population | 4.3%
Tip: Show your fun-loving side and be spontaneous, or they'll leave you to party on your own.
Card | Yellow MBTI | ESTP
Fun-loving, Spontaneous, Charismatic
💥🛹 considered the most social of all personality types
Percentage of Population | 8.5%
Tip: Be up for adventure and show confidence, or they'll think you're a chicken.
Card | Yellow MBTI | ENFP
Enthusiastic, Innovative, Personable
💡🎉 most often seen as highly creative and inspiring individuals
Percentage of Population | 4.0%
Tip: Join them in exploring new ideas and possibilities, or they'll think you're a stick-in-the-mud.
Card | Blue MBTI | ENTP
Versatile, Energetic, Quick-thinking
💡🧠 most likely to challenge the status quo
Percentage of Population | 3.2%
Tip: Challenge them with wit and intelligence, or they'll declare themselves the winner by default (or call you a dimwit).
Card | Purple MBTI | ESTJ
Organized, Decisive, Responsible
💼📊 most likely to take on leadership roles
Percentage of Population | 8.7%
Tip: Be efficient and follow through on your promises, or they'll write you off as "scatterbrained."
Card | Blue MBTI | ESFJ
Generous, Social, Affectionate
🤗🫂 considered the most caring of all personality types
Percentage of Population | 8.7%
Tip: Be appreciative of their help and social graces, or they'll give you a "cold shoulder" that would make Elsa proud.
Card | Purple MBTI | ENFJ
Understanding, Passionate, Inspiring
💪👥 most likely to be praised for their work ethic
Percentage of Population | 1.8%
Tip: Show interest in their causes and ideals, or they'll make you feel as guilty as a kid who forgot Mother's Day.
Card | Teal MBTI | ENTJ
Strategic, Goal-oriented, Ambitious
🧗♂️🗣️ most likely to be successful in their chosen field
Percentage of Population | 2.4%
Tip: Be direct and straightforward with your ideas, or they'll read between the lines and make you feel like you're playing a game of chess with Bobby Fischer.
Tarock Insights
MBTI® Percentages.
Open Psychometrics. Average scores for MBTI types.
US Census Bureau. American Community Survey 5-Year Data (2012-2016).
O*Net Online. 2017 Job Satisfaction Report.
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